DEN-Z Projects and Consultancy

Den-Z Recycling Projects and Consultancy Company designs, plans, constructs and assists, recycling and circular projects for mass production. To solve pollution problem of textile industry, resource usage and production steps must be decreased, which means either recycling wastes or increasing efficiency of material usage, new methods are needed, to create more sustainable Eco-systems. Recycling can turn wastes into new fibers that can be used as a new resource. It can resolve many problems in one. No matter how complex wastes are, they can be turned into valued new materials.

SDC Belgelendirme

SDC Certification, is a certification body that provides services on an international platform with its experienced team. Aiming to add value to its customers before and after the certification process, SDC Certification helps organizations adapt to global conditions through observations. The services include third-party audits, certification and training services.

Human Network

Human Network is a Private Employment Agency that has been providing consultancy services in the field of Human Resources since 2009. It has been providing services on local and international platforms by adopting the people-oriented Boutique Service model since the first day it was established. It has established a relationship of trust with its business partners and taken its place in the sector with the quality and target-oriented work it offers. Human Network attaches importance to determining common values in the Employer – Employee duo and making choices accordingly, as much as technical competence and experience. It adopts as a basic principle to manage all processes in accordance with ethical values.

Çağlar Çevre

Our company was established in Istanbul in 2015 and is certified by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change of the Republic of Turkey to provide environmental consultancy services. With our experienced team, we offer services to numerous industrial companies in Istanbul and surrounding areas. Our priority is to guide our clients in preserving natural resources by implementing essential practices. Our working principle revolves around reliability and accuracy, always ensuring customer satisfaction.