Life Cycle Assessment Methodology

Life Cycle Assessment Methodology Nilgün Aytekin // 30.06.2024 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology encompasses several key stages that help in quantifying and assessing environmental impacts. Goal and Scope Definition: The first step in conducting an LCA is defining the goal and scope of the assessment. This involves determining the purpose of the study, the boundaries


Are Fatal Workplace Accidents Turkey’s Key Barrier to Sustainable Development Goals?

Are Fatal Workplace Accidents Turkey’s Key Barrier to Sustainable Development Goals? Zeynep Thomas // 20.06.2024 The United Nations aims to achieve sustainable environmental, economic, and social development by 2030 through 17 interconnected Sustainable Development Goals, targeting key global issues that also affect Turkey and other countries. SDG 8 focuses on decent work and economic growth,


What is Life Cycle Assessment?

What is Life Cycle Assessment? A Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is defined as a systematic method for evaluating the potential environmental impacts associated with products or services throughout their entire life cycle. During a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), you evaluate the potential environmental impacts across all stages of a product’s or service’s life cycle, including


An Inspirational Interview with Artist Damla Yalçın

An Inspirational Interview with Artist Damla Yalçın Nilgün Aytekin // 17.06.2024 This week’s blog post features a guest who is a dear friend and a multi-talented individual. After completing her art education, she made significant contributions to the sustainability practices in the textile industry through her research and master’s thesis on ‘The Role of Biotextiles


EU’s Commitment to Sustainable Textile Production

EU’s Commitment to Sustainable Textile Production Nilgün Aytekin // 10.06.2024 Textile waste has become a serious environmental and economic issue today. The global textile industry produces approximately 100 million tons of textiles annually. Market data shows that only about 20% of this production is recyclable. However, in reality, textile waste recycling is quite low, and


Can Biotextiles Solve the Environmental Challenges of the Textile Industry?

Can Biotextiles Solve the Environmental Challenges of the Textile Industry? Nilgün Aytekin // 03.06.2024 The textile industry is one of the leading sectors today, known for its significant environmental impacts. The industry’s production processes, along with factors such as water usage, chemical waste, and carbon dioxide emissions, cause severe environmental damage. As the concept of