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Sustainability Reporting

Transparency and reliability have become a priority, especially for industries that are known to have a substantial effect on climate crisis and social inequalities. Organizations of all sizes focus on their impacts on a wide range of sustainability issues. Sustainability reporting enables these organizations to communicate their sustainability performance and impacts to their stakeholders, enabling them to be more transparent about the risks and opportunities they face.

As firms worldwide have embraced sustainability reporting, the need for a unified standard that allows reports to be assessed, judged, and compared became crucially important. Although there are different approaches to sustainability reporting, the publication of reports prepared within the framework of GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) sustainability standards has become the largely adopted standard.

Specific Services

Materiality Assessment

The significant topics that are relevant to the sustainability performance are determined and through stakeholder survey materiality topics are identified.

Compiling Information

Data collection should be evaluated based on the GRI Reporting Principles. The reporting organization can choose any reporting format; electronic, paper based or a combination.

Content Development

It is important to develop content of the sustainability report according to the target groups, the information that they are most interested in.

Key Benefits of the Service

Sustainability reporting efforts make great contribution to the development and transformation of companies.

  • Identifying future business opportunities
  • Enhancing the value of corporate sustainability
  • Strengthening stakeholder relations
  • Stabilizing societies and markets
  • Using a common language and shared purposes
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Which companies are eligible for sustainability reporting?

Regardless of industry, size and number of employees, all companies can prepare and issue sustainability reports.

How long does it take to prepare a sustainability report?

Which guideline is widely preferred for sustainability reporting?

GRI (Global Reporting Initiative is widely used. Other principles and frameworks that guide businesses in reporting are UNPRI (United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment), OECD MNE Guidelines and UN Global Compact and ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Standard.

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